Tuesday, November 29, 2022

If Donald Trump Is Racist, Why Do Blacks Love Him?

If you listen to the Fake News media, you'd think that President Trump is a racist bigot or white supremacist. But if that's true, why do blacks love him? For example, here's a list of some notable black American patriots who love President Trump!


1.) Ben Carson

2.) Brandon Tatum 

3.) Candace Owens

4.) David A. Clarke, Jr.

5.) David Harris, Jr.

6.) Diamond and Silk

7.) Elbert Lee Guillory

8.) Herschel Walker

9.) Isaiah Washington

10.) Keith & Kevin Hodge 

11.) Larry Elder

12.) Leo Terrell

13.) Peggy Hubbard

14.) Terrance Williams

15.) Vernon Jones

16.) Alveda C. King

And I could go on and on!

Don't believe the Fake News media! I've found that whatever they say, it's usually the exact opposite that's true.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Truth About January 6th: Protest or Insurrection?

Save America March in Washington, D.C.
January 6, 2021

* * * 

I remember watching on TV the events of January 6th, 2021. I watched President Trump's speech that day on either Newsmax or Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN). I can't remember which network it was, and maybe it was both. I probably switched back and forth between the two networks. As I have heard reporting about the events of that day since then, to me it seems like the Democrats are targeting their political opponents in order to push a narrative that furthers their anti-Trump agenda. What the Democrats are doing appears to me to be more a case of political and religious persecution of those who disagree with them, than it does an "insurrection" on the part of the protesters. Hopefully I still have the free speech to say that and to disagree with the media's big government anti-Trump narrative. It makes me wonder if our First Amendment rights still apply: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."[1] 

Someone asked me recently what I thought about the events that happened at the Capitol on January 6th. I said that there were a whole lot of people there, it was probably the largest in-person crowd that President Trump ever addressed. It has widely been reported that there may have been up to 1,000,000 people in attendance! I specifically remember how during the rally, President Trump encouraged everyone to remain peaceful.[2] President Trump's twitter comments from January 6, 2021 say the same thing:

Everyone knows that in a huge crowd like that there are bound to be a few "bad apples". I'm not excusing any bad behavior, I'm only pointing out the obvious logical fallacy of hasty generalization. It's absurd to condemn and even jail whole crowds of peaceful protesters because of a relatively few rioters. Do we know the difference between peaceful protesters and rioters? Actually, I think sometimes the "lamestream" media doesn't understand this important distinction! For example, on August 27, 2020, The Hill newspaper reported a now well-known incident in which "CNN was ridiculed for a video caption Wednesday night that read 'Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting' during a report from national correspondent Omar Jimenez in front of a building engulfed in flames during protests over the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis."[3] So now the joke is on "fake news" CNN because they said that the riots were "Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests"! And what about Jenny Durkan, the Democrat mayor of Seattle, who after hearing about the "occupied protest" and violent rioters burning down the city, she called it "a summer of love"! But now when it doesn't serve their political purposes, the truly "Mostly Peaceful Protests" (and protesters) of January 6 are instead labeled with the big scary word: "Insurrectionists"! This political label is akin to the Nazi's placing a golden star on all the Jews in World War II. Under the heading "Jewish Badge: During the Nazi Era", the Holocaust Encyclopedia says the following: "Nazi officials implemented the Jewish badge as a key element in their plan to persecute and eventually destroy the Jewish population of Europe."[4] But in spite of the Democrat's best (or worst) efforts, the "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement can't be stopped, because it is supported by "We the people of the United States". Oh, does that make me a terrorist? I'm simply quoting the preamble to our United States Constitution, but maybe that doesn't apply anymore? Are we now living in Nazi Germany or Communist Russia, or is this still "the land of the free and the home of the brave"? Do we still have First Amendment rights or not?

So maybe someone can help me understand this: apparently it's against the law to go into a public building (the Capitol building) during normal business hours if you're wearing a red hat and holding an American flag! Am I missing something? So let me see if I understand this. Burning down buildings in Minneapolis and Kenosha and other cities around the country is considered a "mostly peaceful protest", but walking into a government building holding an American flag and dressed in red, white, and blue makes you a terrorist? Again, what am I missing? Of course the fake news media pushes back and says that the Capitol building was closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic and because there was a joint session of Congress in session. While that may be true (I don't know; I wasn't there), I think it's important to ask: can the average person really be expected to have known that? (Especially considering that most of the people visiting the Capitol that day were probably from out of town!) Where were the placards informing the public about the Capitol building being closed? According to eyewitness and video evidence, rather than seeing a "closed" sign, what the public instead saw were uniformed police officers actually opening the gates surrounding the Capitol building and waving the protesters to come in! Basically the police were escorting them into the building![5] Now I think we all know that in a situation like that, the directives and instructions of the police officer trumps (no pun intended) whatever the usual law is. In fact, in Washington, D.C. it is against the law to disobey the instructions of a police officer: "The law is found in 18 DCMR 2000.2 'No person shall fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any police officer, police cadet, or civilian crossing guard invested by law with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic. This section shall apply to pedestrians and to the operators of vehicles.'"[6] In other words, whatever the police officer says, goes. The public is expected to follow whatever the police officer is directing them to do in that situation in terms of traffic flow and where to go. This is no doubt why even the ultra-left New York Times reported the following in an article titled "Judge Finds Matthew Martin Not Guilty in First Jan. 6 Acquittal": "Ruling in favor of the defense, Judge Trevor N. McFadden said he found it plausible that Mr. Martin [the defendant] believed the police had let him in and thus had not knowingly gone into the building improperly."[7] In an article reporting on the same incident, NPR likewise reported: "[Judge] McFadden said it was reasonable for Martin to believe that outnumbered police officers allowed him and others to enter the Capitol through the Rotunda doors on Jan. 6, 2021."[8] Yes, that is definitely a "reasonable" conclusion. What's more, it's a lawful conclusion!

Just to be clear, I am in no way condoning any violence that occurred during the January 6th protest. But it seems clear to me that the Deep State elements of the United States government (aka the Democrats) and the Fake News Media have hijacked the events of January 6th for their own political purposes and to further their anti-Trump political agenda. Indeed, reports are now coming out that the FBI actually had their own operatives planted in the crowd dressed up to look like Trump supporters.[9] Why were they there? Were they inciting violence? If the FBI had advance knowledge of an "insurrection", why didn't they stop it? Could it be that they actually wanted it to happen? I don't know. I'm only asking questions. What's the "reasonable" conclusion? It sounds like a big setup to me![10]


[1] The Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, First Amendment.

[2] Pearson Sharp (February 11, 2021). "President Trump's speech from Jan. 6 proves he called for peace, despite Dems' false accusations". One America News Network.

[3] Joe Concha (August 27, 2020). "CNN ridiculed for ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful’ caption with video of burning building in Kenosha". The Hill

[4] "Jewish Badge: During the Nazi Era". Holocaust Encyclopedia (accessed November 22, 2022).

[5] Joey Saladino (January 7, 2021). "Police LET Trump Supporters INTO the CAPITOL". Joey Saladino Show. Retrieved November 22, 2022. Also see: "Police Directing Trump Protesters Into Capitol" (January 8, 2021). The Uncovering. Retrieved November 22, 2022. 

[6] Mark Rollins, "Failure to Obey Police Officer in District of Columbia". Rollins and Chan Law Firm. Retrieved November 22, 2022. 

[7] Alan Feuer (April 6, 2022). "Judge Finds Matthew Martin Not Guilty in First Jan. 6 Acquittal". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 7, 2022. Retrieved November 22, 2022. 

[8] "Judge issues the first outright acquittal of a defendant charged over the Jan. 6 riot". NPR. April 7, 2022. Retrieved November 22, 2022.

[9] Steve Bannon (June 16, 2021). "Was Jan. 6 The Result Of An Intelligence Set Up". Bannons War Room. Retrieved November 23, 2022. Also see: "Kash Patel Calls Out FBI Over Jan. 6: 'What Were They Doing with Plainclothes Informants?'". The Gateway Pundit. June 12, 2022. Retrieved November 23, 2022. Also see: "Tucker Carlson FBI Involved With Capitol Insurrection". KanekoaTheGreat. June 15, 2021. Retrieved November 23, 2022. Also see: Glenn Beck (November 15, 2022). "FBI Left SCRAMBLING When GOP Rep. Asks What Involvement FBI Had with Jan. 6". Blaze TV. Retrieved November 23, 2022.

[10] "January 6 was a Setup!". RubyRayMedia. June 10, 2022. Retrieved November 23, 2022. Also see: "Newsmax host calls the January 6 insurrection a 'setup' and a 'trap' for Trump supporters". MediaMatters. September 17, 2021. Archived from the original on September 16, 2021.

Monday, November 21, 2022

MAGA Video: "Inspiring Video of Country's Love for President Trump"

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15 seconds

15 seconds