Tuesday, November 29, 2022

If Donald Trump is Racist, Why Do Blacks Love Him?

If you listen to the Fake News media, you'd think that President Trump is a racist bigot or white supremacist. But if that's true, why do blacks love him? For example, here's a list of some notable black American patriots who love President Trump!


1.) Ben Carson

2.) Brandon Tatum 

3.) Candace Owens

4.) David A. Clarke, Jr.

5.) David Harris, Jr.

6.) Diamond and Silk

7.) Elbert Lee Guillory

8.) Herschel Walker

9.) Isaiah Washington

10.) Keith & Kevin Hodge 

11.) Larry Elder

12.) Leo Terrell

13.) Peggy Hubbard

14.) Terrance Williams

15.) Vernon Jones

16.) Alveda C. King

And I could go on and on!

Don't believe the Fake News media! I've found that whatever they say, it's usually the exact opposite that's true.

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