Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Biblical Repentance According to Theodore Beza

Theodore Beza was a leading Greek scholar of the 16th century and the successor to John Calvin in Geneva. Dr. Philip Doddridge says: “Beza is undoubtedly the best critic on the Greek language of any commentator we have. There is no translation, that I know of, equal to his; and his remarks on Erasmus and the vulgar Latin are wrought up to the utmost degree of exactness. On the whole, it is an invaluable treasure, and deserves to be read with the utmost attention.” It will be interesting, therefore, to see what Beza says in regards to repentance; some may be surprised to learn that he affirms the Free Grace understanding of repentance as a change of mind and heart! Notice the following statements by Beza from various editions of his New Testament, showing that biblical repentance is “an inward thing which hath it seate in the mind & heart”:

Beza’s Annotation on Matthew 3:2 (in the 1575 Latin edition of Beza's New Testament):
“Metanoein, mutari significat animo & mente, idque in melius.”[1] Translated into English it reads: “Metanoein, it signifies to be changed in the mind & heart, and that for the better.” (personal translation)

Beza’s Annotation on Matthew 3:2 (in the 1599 Geneva Bible, with Beza's Annotations):
“The word in the Greeke tongue signifieth a changing of our minds and hearts from evill to better.”[2]

Beza’s Annotation on Matthew 3:8 (in the 1575 Latin edition of Beza's New Testament):
“Vera respiscentia, est res interior, quae in mente & animo sedem habet.”[3] Translated into English it reads: “True repentance is an inner thing, that has its seat in the mind & soul.” (personal translation)

Beza’s Annotation on Matthew 3:8 (in the 1599 Geneva Bible, with Beza's Annotations):
“True repentance in an inward thing which hath it seate in the mind & heart.”[4]


[1] Theodore Beza, Editor, Jesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum (Geneva: 1575), p. 4, verso. Note: This is the 1575 Latin edition, with visible note “c” for the word Resipiscite in Matthew 3:2. Also Note: The title page of the New Testament says: “Jesu Christi D[ominus]. N[oster]. Novum Testamentum, Theodoro Beza interprete. Additae sunt summae breues doctrinae in Euangelistas, & Acta Apostolorum: item, Methodus Apostolicarum Epistolarum ab eodem authore, cum breui phraseon, & locorum difficiliorum exposition, ex ipsius authoris maioribus annotationibus desumpta: paucis etiam additis ex Joach[im]. Camerarii notationibus in Euangelistas & Acta.” Translated into English it reads: “The New Testament of Jesus Christ our Lord, translated by Theodore Beza. The summaries of doctrine in the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles are added: likewise, Methodology of the Apostolic Epistles by the same author, with a brief phraseology, and an exposition of difficult passages, taken from the author’s own larger annotations: with a few additions also from Joachim Camerarius’ notes on the Gospels & Acts.”

[2] Theodore Beza, translated by Laurence Tomson, The New Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ (London: Christopher Barker, 1599), p. 4, verso. Note: Also see the “Geneva Study Bible” notes on Matthew 3:2 on the studylight.org website (accessed May 29, 2023).

[3] Theodore Beza, Editor, Jesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum (Geneva: 1575), p. 4, verso. Note: This is the 1575 Latin edition.

[4] Theodore Beza, translated by Laurence Tomson, The New Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ (London: Christopher Barker, 1599), p. 4, verso. Note: Also see the “Geneva Study Bible” notes on Matthew 3:8 on the studylight.org website (accessed May 29, 2023).

Monday, May 29, 2023

Martin Luther on Romans 2:4, "He leadeth them to repentance"

“God has not so utterly forsaken the sons of men that He will not grant them some measure of comfort in this hope of the passing of evil and the coming of good things. Though they are uncertain of the future, yet they hope with certain hope, and hereby they are meanwhile buoyed up, lest falling into the further evil of despair, they should break down under their present evil, and do some worse thing. Hence, even this sort of hope is the gift of God; not that He would have them lean on it, but that He would turn their attention to that firm hope, which is in Him alone. For He is so long-suffering that He leadeth them to repentance, as it is said in Romans 2, and suffers none to be straightway deceived by this deceitful hope, if haply they may ‘turn to the heart [Isa. 46:8],’ and come to the true hope.”[1] 


[1] Martin Luther, Works of Martin Luther (Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Company, 1915), vol. 1, pp. 146-147.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

J. Irvin Overholtzer on Saving Faith

“Faith is believing reasonable evidence. Faith is taking God at His word. Faith is believing in the dark. The Old Testament word is trust—to rely upon. Faith is reposing confidence in another. But what must I believe to be saved? The devils believe but are not saved. How may I know that I have the faith that saves? There are many truths, both in the Bible and without that should be believed, but believing them would not bring salvation. I must believe the Word of God concerning sin and salvation. I must believe the Gospel—the GOOD NEWS, that ‘Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.’

1. I must believe that I am a sinner and need salvation and that I cannot save myself.
2. I must believe that Jesus died to save me and that He is willing and able to do it and to do it now.
3. I must believe that His salvation is a free gift and that I can have it for the taking.
4. I must then take it, and since it is an unseen gift, I must take it purely by faith and not by sight, neither by feeling.

When this is done the condition has been met and God’s word is that He will instantly forgive and as quickly regenerate me. The Holy Spirit will enable all to believe, who come in this way, in utter dependence upon God.”[1]


[1] J. Irvin Overholtzer, Saved by Grace (Chicago: P. B. Publications, Inc., 1937), p. 24. Note: The Rev. J. Irvin Overholtzer was a song writer and Christian author, and the founder of Child Evangelism Fellowship, which he founded in 1937.