Saturday, May 20, 2023

J. Irvin Overholtzer on Saving Faith

“Faith is believing reasonable evidence. Faith is taking God at His word. Faith is believing in the dark. The Old Testament word is trust—to rely upon. Faith is reposing confidence in another. But what must I believe to be saved? The devils believe but are not saved. How may I know that I have the faith that saves? There are many truths, both in the Bible and without that should be believed, but believing them would not bring salvation. I must believe the Word of God concerning sin and salvation. I must believe the Gospel—the GOOD NEWS, that ‘Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.’

1. I must believe that I am a sinner and need salvation and that I cannot save myself.
2. I must believe that Jesus died to save me and that He is willing and able to do it and to do it now.
3. I must believe that His salvation is a free gift and that I can have it for the taking.
4. I must then take it, and since it is an unseen gift, I must take it purely by faith and not by sight, neither by feeling.

When this is done the condition has been met and God’s word is that He will instantly forgive and as quickly regenerate me. The Holy Spirit will enable all to believe, who come in this way, in utter dependence upon God.”[1]


[1] J. Irvin Overholtzer, Saved by Grace (Chicago: P. B. Publications, Inc., 1937), p. 24. Note: The Rev. J. Irvin Overholtzer was a song writer and Christian author, and the founder of Child Evangelism Fellowship, which he founded in 1937.

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