Saturday, November 2, 2024

J. Vernon McGee's Warning to America

In the early 1970s, Dr. J. Vernon McGee gave this prophetic warning to America that is more true today than ever before! In a nationwide Thru The Bible radio broadcast, McGee said this: "Socialism is creeping in today. Political parties are willing to sell the birthright of this nation in order to stay in power."[1] McGee went on to say: "My friend, your country and mine is closer to socialism than you can ever imagine."[2]

May God help us!


[1] J. Vernon McGee, Thru The Bible, commentary on 2 Kings 22:2 (print edition).

[2] McGee, Thru The Bible, commentary on Ecclesiastes 9:1-14 (radio broadcast). Note: This statement does not appear in the print edition; it is excerpted from the radio broadcast.

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