Friday, October 18, 2024

Gone But Not Forgotten: ExPreacherMan's Missing Comment on the Gospel

On October 21, 2013, Pastor Jack Weaver (known online by the handle "ExPreacherMan") posted a comment about the Gospel that has since been deleted from the ExPreacherMan website. The ExPreacherMan website is a Free Grace blog that was founded in 2006 by Jack Weaver, a "narrow-minded Conservative Christian" since 1964. Jack passed away in 2015 and is now with the Lord.

I found ExPreacherMan's statement on the Gospel back in 2018 and liked it so much that I wrote a blog post about it (see my blog post titled "Why the Gospel Matters!"). But since then, it appears that Pastor Jack's comment has either been intentionally or unintentionally removed from the "Notes From A Retired Preacher" website (ExPreacherMan's website). Although the comment may be gone, it's not forgotten! Thankfully I archived it before it was deleted, so it can continue to be a testimony to the truth of the Gospel and of God's amazing grace.

Although ExPreacherMan passed away in 2015, his legacy lives on. "Through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks" (Heb. 11:4). Here is ExPreacherMan's missing comment on the Gospel. Pastor Jack writes: 

"As has been said, stick with the Gospel of God’s Grace — IT is the power of God unto salvation. 

The Gospel: 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 
Why the Gospel: The Power of God; Romans 1:16 
What to do with the Gospel – Believe it; John 3:16
Why we cannot mix Grace with perseverance and 'repentance' works – they are not comparable; Romans 11:6

Just some ideas - Be encouaged!!

In Jesus Christ eternally, Jack"[1]


[1] Jack Weaver, "Wiki-Index" (2013), Notes From A Retired Preacher blog, comment by expreacherman (October 21, 2013 at 10:52 a.m.), 

1 comment:

Jonathan Perreault said...

"A picture's worth a thousand words." Here's a link to the screenshot of ExPreacherMan's missing comment on the gospel: