Friday, February 6, 2015

Top 10 Signs Lou Martuneac Might be a Pharisee

Candid photo presumed to be
Lou Martuneac at a book signing.
Top 10 Signs Lou Martuneac might be a Pharisee:
#10. His name is a pun for a weapon called the "Martuneaxe".1
#9. He doesn't think Christians can apostatize.2

#8. He posts rehashed hit pieces from Ultra-Fundie websites.3

#7. He discourages personal study and independent thinking.4

#6. He repudiates contemporary sounds in Christian music.5

#5. He thinks amusement parks are worldly.6

#4. He has to inform people he's not a chauvinist pig!7

#3. He tells his kids not to eat the pastor's Twinkies.8

#2. He's earned recognition as the #1 spamming hypocrite.9

#1. His middle name is Have you read my book?10


1 Tim Nichols said:
"Lou took his Martuneaxe
And gave his brother forty whacks
And when he felt his work was done
He gave his sister forty-one"

2 Lou wants to fit in with Free Gracers but he had to delete a post by a Free Grace contributing writer after his Fundie friends voiced their misgivings. Lou then reposed the article with a page length explanation why he disagreed with it! 

3 JDale said: "Lou: Have you been diagnosed with OCD? Paranoid schidzophrenia perhaps?! Good heavens man, you act like a man possessed! If you are attempting to truly warn people about what you perceive to be false doctrine, you are going about it in the absolutely 180 degree WRONG way! Stop acting like an arrogant, know it all, holier than thou pharisee and actually engage in a real conversation rather than posting rehashed hit pieces from Ultra-Fundie websites with axes to grind. Oh, and one last thing -- a small dose of humility and self-depreciation would do you a world of good. Pride goeth before a fall..." 

4 Lou said: "Keep those [church growth] movements and their advocates at arms' length. Do not listen to them. Do not read them. If you want to understand what these movements stand for, consult someone who can counsel you from the Word of God."

5 Lou is a member of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International (FBFI) and affirms: "we reject as unscriptural and unwholesome that type of religious music which seeks to imitate the world, and we also repudiate the adoption of contemporary sounds in Christian music as a viable means of reaching people."

6 Lou affirms: "While we are thankful for legitimate recreational and family building activities, we urge pastors and parents to find wholesome activities that reinforce their teaching to youth rather than feeding their carnal appetites by sponsoring trips to worldly amusement parks and the like. Pastors must teach the practical application of biblical principles without fear of accusations of 'legalism.'"  

7 Lou said to Rose: "Not to be the chauvinist pig, but men have thicker skin than women, and you need it to debate these issues."

8 Lou said: "This was not meant to be the Lord's Supper, but in the middle of the service the pastor had the ushers come down the aisle handing out Hostess Twinkies for everyone to eat during the service. [Editor's note: It sort of reminds me of Jesus and His disciples feeding the 5,000!] I like Twinkies as much as the next guy, but I looked at my kids and they understood my look to mean do NOT eat those Twinkies in church."

9 Dr. Bob Griffin said: "Every day WITHOUT Lou is a day we don't have to wade through vomitous cut-and-paste. I don't know what we'd do without him...but I'd rather!" Griffin also said: "Lou has not posted the same vomit on the thread ONCE today! God is good." Griffin asked Lou: "Are you...embarrassed at being the #1 spamming hypocrite here?"

10 Phil Johnson said: "Lou (did I mention my book?) Matuneac: [sic] 'the high profile men at T4G would really like to see this controversy go away and are highly unlikely to have anything public to say about it.' Thanks for the insight into the hearts of men whom I doubt you have ever even talked to. Can you tell what I'm thinking right now? Hint #1: It has to do with exercising my authority as an administrator to deal with someone who has asked me neither to e-mail him privately nor comment on his blog but who keeps spamming my blog with his pompous pronouncements. Hint #2: he's an author who is a legend in his own mind." Similarly, Dan Phillips (DJP) said: "I don't want Stuart doing a Hi-I'm-Lou-Martuneac-Read-My-Book on every meta about his personal hobby horse. So, let's stick to the topic."