Friday, October 8, 2010

Fishers of Men, Part 2

by Peter Hann

Greetings fellow believers in Christ. This is the second part of the "Fishers of Men" series about making converts of lost people who don't know Christ.

Some other witnessing experiences I had when sharing the gospel, especially gospel tracts, was when a couple of times a few years back I wanted to give a tract to a clerk at Speedway. I was such a scaredy cat that I practically threw the tract at the Speedway clerk and ran off, being so timid. Later on after several times of being timid about sharing the gospel I thought to myself "Why are you so scared Peter? It's not like when you witness to most people they're going to get mad and burn you at the stake!" "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7, NKJV).

I used to live in suburban Cleveland until I was 10. I've been looking up the house numbers of the street I used to live on and have been mailing a tract to everyone who lived on my old street and telling them I used to live there. (The tract I mailed was Evantell's "May I Ask You A Question?" tract.) I mailed a couple tracts to a Cleveland newscaster in December of 2009 and got a positive response. I find that people are more open to a tract if I do a random act of kindness for them, like helping someone with a broken-down car.

My friend Jonathan Perreault commented how he tried sharing the gospel on the streets of downtown Milwaukee and how people sometimes got mad, and how one time when he tried opening the Bible to witness to someone the man jumped back like the Bible was a snake! That's because the Bible is real and living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12). It's because Jesus Christ is real and able to save to the uttermost (Heb. 7:25).

With it being October and Halloween coming up, I encourage everyone to make it an opportunity to share the gospel. Of course, we should share the gospel "in season and out of season" (2 Tim. 4:2) – in other words all year round, caring for lost souls and not wanting them to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire as mentioned in Revelation chapter 20. So I wish fellow Christians the best in sharing Christ with others.

Continue on to "Fishers of Men, Part 3".